Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Potentially India's greatest challenge? Which one!

So yesterday I learned that "the IT story in India is dead." It was just the shining star that set transformation in motion. Instead, dawn rises on a new age of Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and Mellons. Infrastructure is the future of the Indian economy. Everywhere we go (in the bus) we see evidence of change- construction, and new buildings. Fascinating stuff. Yet, 80% of India's population live in slums and then, others roll into the middle class. And when they roll into the middle class, consumption multiplies, retail evolves, homes are built and bought, higher education is engaged, medical demands increase, transportation evolves, oil and energy demand increases, sectors are born, and finally these people want to have fun, so there is a cultural revolution in store- the likes of which has ONLY JUST BEGUN.
And another fascinating stat-- 20% of the worlds teenagers live in India. Ponder that one for a minute.
Yet-- for every step forward there is a cultural relic or artifact, a little something, sometimes big, that holds things back, or makes it slide sideways. According to a university professor, many Indians believe that all this progress is only temporary. This stuff runs deep.
By the way, I rode on a different bus today, twice. Needed to switch things up.

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