Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ha Ha Ha, April Fools? No.... Lifeinarentalcar Meets the Hotel will begin shortly.

The question is, do I stay up and begin my jet lag a day in advance? Ah, Beijing in just about 29 hours.... that is, if we (my colleague and I) can get from Boston to Newark by 11AM to make our connection to China. As the fool's would have it, a nor'easter is working its magic up and down the North East and there is a solid white coating of snow on the ground with more on the way. An option is to make use of my jet lag inducing status and get in the car and drive to Newark to avoid any flow control delays.... just the thought of which is triggering PTSD from my Philly commuting days. Yes, the idea definitely has its limitations..... Now I recognize that there are still at least 5 days of India unaccounted for and you have my utmost apologies for that.... someday the tale of the potential hijacking, shopping extravaganza, and India wrap up will be shared, but for now, we are on to Beijing after yes, yet again, 20 years! Its been 20 years since I stood in Tianamen Square with my Semester at Sea pals and listened as our guide denied the uprising. I also remember buying Cheerio's in a grocery store within the basement of the Hilton hotel, vaguely recall a foray into an oddly lit nightclub. Gungoll, do you remember that? And finally remembering the banners in English sharing the message with us that Socialism is Good. In any case, my Great Wall of China t-shirt still hasn't worn out or stained- high quality poly cotton, so I'm not entirely certain I'll negotiate for another- whew, actually I remember the t-shirt negotiations too- they drive a hard bargain! Now, Lifeinarental car returns, from potential to professional and this time, to meet the hotel. The only bus we'll ride is to the Wall on Wednesday....

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