Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 1 48 hours

Jet-lag can be lethal.... After all the steps one goes through to protect oneself from any hint of consumption of water, what happens at 10PM after you've brushed your teeth with bottled water? Well, one moves on to washing one's face and then splashing a nice good rinse.... and swishing it all around with total satisfaction that yes, in fact you've nearly made it to bed after nearly 48 hours without more than a 2 hour nap.... whoops! Wait, was one's mouth open..... ;-) While not devastating.... it just serves as a reminder that one tiny misstep and whammo! A happy few days can be all over.... But if that's not so bad, there was the hunger that hit mid day yesterday. All set for pizza, my dazed colleague and I dove into one of the 3 hotel restaurants. Buffet only ma'am, please sit here. Lured by the thought of delightful scrambled eggs and toast, we sat and then our first course arrived. Yes, ma'am, here are the salads-- this one are beans, and this one are sliced veggie- tables, and this one are curried eggplant. Next we will bring your dimsum, and you may get up to serve your sushi from the sushi bar.... no joke- we walked smack dab into a Chinese/Japanese buffet at India's only Asian fusion restaurant..... Zen. Having pledged not to eat anything raw, with legs, or from the sea, immediately we had before us a conundrum. Too tired to do anything about it, we submitted, save the Sushi thanks to a recent Parisian mishap care of Monsiuer Swiz. Alas, this is a five star hotel and they do cater to Westerners..... Well. So far so good. And more about the Leela Palace later.... More about everything later, though blogging time is tight! After all this is a business travel blog.... so I'm off to do a bit of business with my team..... one initial interview and our first team dinner. The go button has been pushed!

1 comment:

  1. wish I was in your pocket sharing your experiences - all of them! Ahhh the richness of life when one chooses to jump in all the way!
