Monday, February 28, 2011

Backing up....

Alps on Austrian border
Mountains in Turkey?

Flying to India just wasn't so bad. Perhaps its the delirium that accompanies sleep deprivation, but all in all, the trip seemed really quick. Strangely quick, even if it did take 24 hours (6 hour layover- 3hrs of which was spent soundly asleep in Richmond care of 12 Jocelyn and Mr. Will Hutchins. What follows are a few key moments of the trip....

Modern- efficient (mostly) arrival. Could have been anywhere until you took your first inhalation on the jet bridge-- the universal, unmistakable scent of burning trash, accompanied with slight mildew overtones. ING is a big sponsor at the airport.

Baggage claim wouldn't ordinarily be so interesting to me, but this one drew me in. Primarily because of the quiet hum of the carousels-- I've spent a good bit of time at the AA baggage claim at Logan lately and the clack, clack, uhm boppa, clack, clack, uhm boppa or hte carousel there seems amazingly outdated in comparison....

Yet, unfortunately a good looking baggage carousel cannot make up for incompetent airline baggage handling depsite a 6 hour layover......

Twas not to be..... no bag for Cassandra (who runs the entire program). As a result we had an unexpected non tourist shopping experience-- Loose one- win one. Bag did show up today thanks to an army of helpers.... It takes a lot of people to do a lot of things here in India. More about that to come....

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