Monday, May 16, 2011

The Bu

Apparently its Motor Trend's car o' the year. And she's not bad; neutral color, faux wood panelling, sunroof, and much to my astonishment after 4 days at the helm (with 6 left to go) the discovery of satellite radio. No that wasn't an Indian FM station on the scans, its actually XM Bollywood. But when you're cruisin' down the 101, who is really looking at the controls anyway? Especially with all those mountains and clouds on both sides of, "the valley." Clouds a plenty are raining down on us here, and quite frankly, with the wet and temps in the 50's I might as well still be in Boston. While much of the IT economy is climbing back on its feet, and to quote an exec, "we're just heading back to base camp," my priviledge is to be working with the best of our best-- our Hi Po's. And what a crew my team is- hailing from Spain, Holland, the UK, Switzerland by way of US, US by way of Taiwan, and good old CA we are weathering the storm and putting together one heck of a business plan to revolutionize health care across the developing world. Not bad for 16 weeks of work-- Thursday will be our final test when our bid for funding hits the powers that be.... No Indian busses with worn brake pads, no Beijing taxi's, now only the memories, and the Bu-- plus all the other 60 or so rental cars, sheparding minds and bodies to campus where brilliance is being put to work on behalf of a better life for citizens of the new "power economies" and corporate results.

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